
Our Non-Surgical Double Chin Solution


Spoiler Alert! It’s not facial yoga!

Have you heard of Kybella¬Æ – the only non-surgical treatment
that destroys fat cells forever?

1. What is Kybella® for?

Kybella® is a Deoxycholic Acid Рit is an FDA approved treatment that is most commonly used to destroy fat cells in the “double chin” area.

2. Procedure and downtime

The procedure takes 30 minutes to 1 hour with numbing. You may return to your daily activities immediately after the procedure. To reduce excessive bruising and swelling you will be instructed to stay off any anti-inflammatory medications for 48 hours (Tylenol, Aspirin, etc.) as well as avoid exercising, salty foods, and alcohol for 2 days.

3. How many treatments do I need?

Kybella® works over time. Generally, one treatment provides 20 Р25% fat reduction within 8-12 weeks, you will start to see the results 4-6 weeks after the procedure. During the initial consultation, your provider will evaluate the amount of excess fat and recommend the best treatment plan for your specific case. The treatments are scheduled 2-3 months apart to ensure the best results.

4. Are the results permanent?

The results are permanent, there is no need to repeat the treatment once completed.

5. How painful is the procedure?

Typically, most patients describe a mild burning sensation in the area of treatment during the injection. You will experience soreness for about 2 hours after the procedure, swelling or puffiness is quite common in the area of treatment for several days after injection, however, it goes away over time.

6. How much is Kybella®?

At South Florida Center Medical Spa we offer Kybella® starting at $1,400 for 2 Vials. Please contact us to schedule your virtual consultation or to get more information.

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