
Buccal Fat Pad Removal

Chubby or “chunky” cheeks are a common complaint among men and women alike. Although a naturally plump face can help you appear more youthful, overly full cheeks can make you look heavier than you actually are. One of the best ways to achieve a more contoured look is with buccal fat pad removal surgery, also known as cheek reduction surgery.

Everyone has buccal fat pads in their cheeks. However, the size of these fat pads varies immensely, causing some people to have naturally chubby cheeks or a “baby face” appearance. At The South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery, we offer buccal fat pad removal surgery to reduce the size of the cheeks and create a more contoured look.

Cheek reduction surgery can also be combined with other procedures to enhance your results. Facelift, rhinoplasty, chin lift, and lip augmentation can all be coupled with buccal fat removal for a completely rejuvenated appearance.

Starting at $1,499

  • Defined cheeks
  • Slimmer, contoured cheeks and profile
  • Rejuvenated appearance
  • Improved facial symmetry
  • More visible cheekbones

Buccal fat removal surgery starts at $1,499, not including anesthesia and surgeon fees. The cost depends on several factors, including the complexity of the procedure and whether or not you decide to supplement your treatment with other procedures at the same time. The South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery is committed to finding the most convenient payment method for each patient.

We offer financing through three third-party companies, who provide flexible payment plans with instant credit-based approval. Aside from financing, we also maintain a network of experienced physicians and vendors to ensure we find a payment plan that suits your lifestyle.


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Before & After Buccal Fat Pad Removal

Actual Patients Shown Before And After Surgery. Your Results May Vary.

Procedure done by Dr. Alexander
Procedure done by Dr. Alexander
Procedure done by Dr. Pinnella
Procedure done by Dr. Pinnella

    The Buccal Fat Pad Removal Process


    During your initial visit, expect to provide your complete medical history, including all your medications, allergies, and previous surgeries. You’ll also undergo an extensive physical exam and blood tests before your surgeon takes photographs to aid in performing the buccal fat pad removal procedure. Finally, you’ll receive important instructions to prepare for treatment, as well as a realistic explanation of the results you can expect to achieve.


    Buccal Fat Pad Removal surgery is performed by making an incision inside the mouth. The fat pad is removed and the incision is closed using dissolvable stitches.


    Immediately after surgery, you will experience swelling, which will likely distort the results from your treatment. However, the swelling should subside in 7-10 days, and then your cheeks will begin looking thinner and more contoured. Your surgeon will give you detailed instructions for your recovery. However, you can expect to fully recover after about three weeks. You will be prescribed a medicated mouth rinse that you should use daily to speed up the healing process and prevent infection. You may also be required to go on a liquid diet for the first several days after surgery. Then, you can slowly introduce soft foods before returning to your normal diet.

    Post Surgery

    You usually won’t see the final results from buccal fad pad removal until several months after surgery, once the swelling has subsided. As you continue to heal, your results will become more noticeable. Keep in mind that weight loss or weight gain after surgery could also impact your results. We recommend maintaining your weight after surgery to ensure your results are long-lasting and natural.

    You can expect a thinner, more contoured facial appearance, as well as more defined cheeks and cheekbones. You can also expect a reduction in puffiness and the appearance of chubby or “chipmunk cheeks.”

    Buccal fat pad removal surgery is completed entirely inside the mouth to avoid visible scarring. Your surgeon will make small incisions inside your mouth and remove all or a portion of the buccal fat pads. Once the removal is complete, your surgeon will use absorbable stitches to suture the incision.

    Yes. Buccal fat pad removal surgery can be combined with other treatments, such as a facelift, eyelift, or lip augmentation, to enhance your results and/or reduce the number of times you have surgery.

    The entire procedure takes about 30-60 minutes. However, if you are combining treatments, the total surgery time will be much longer.

    Ideal candidates for buccal fat pad removal are men and women with chubby or puffy cheeks caused by larger buccal fat pads. People with a slim face or well-defined cheekbones are typically not good candidates for treatment. In some cases, a larger cheek size is due to fat deposits or an over-developed muscle in the jaw. In those cases, buccal fat pad removal is not appropriate.

    Yes. Buccal fat pad removal is an outpatient procedure and does not require a significant recovery period. Most patients return to work within a week, however you will need to follow a strict liquid diet for several days. Your doctor will follow your progress closely and advise you as to which activities are safe during your healing process.

    General anesthesia is used for all surgical procedures at the South Florida Center and is always performed by a professional M.D. Anesthesiologist.

    Patient pictures are showing Before and After results are actual patients – Individual results vary. Client Testimonials are based on personal experience and are the opinion of individual clients. Any claims made on this website are intended to provide information about procedures provided here. Realistic Individual results will be discussed with you based on your information with an initial consult with a doctor or health care professional provided for your free consultation. The information provided is NOT intended as medical advice and is for your general knowledge only.