
Scars After Cosmetic Surgery | South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery

scars after cosmetic surgery

How to Get the Best-Looking Scars After Cosmetic Surgery

Chances are if you’re considering cosmetic surgery, one of your first questions will be about scarring. What will the scars look like? How noticeable will they be? Whether you’re having a breast augmentation, body contouring, or some other cosmetic procedure, scars are completely natural and typically fade over time. However, some treatments require larger surgical incisions and cause more noticeable scarring as a result.

In these cases, we recommend taking extra precautions during your recovery to prevent complications. Luckily, there are several ways to minimize scarring after cosmetic surgery and get the best results from your treatment.

Be aware that scars are a part of the process.

Before scheduling cosmetic surgery, it is essential to have realistic expectations. Contrary to popular belief, there is no such thing as scarless surgery. Unfortunately, many people undergo plastic surgery without realizing that scars are an inevitable part of the healing process. It’s normal to want to minimize your scarring after treatment, but it would be unreasonable to believe you’ll have no scarring whatsoever. Like any other surgical procedure, following your surgeon’s post-op instructions is essential to achieve the optimal result.

Choose a board-certified plastic surgeon.

Although all surgeries result in some scarring, plastic surgeons indeed take incision placement and scar appearance more seriously than other surgeons. Plastic surgeons typically aim to provide function and form, delivering efficient and aesthetically pleasing results with minimal visible scarring. For this reason, you should only choose a highly-skilled plastic surgeon to perform any cosmetic procedure. 

When choosing your doctor, visit their website and look at the before and after pictures for your desired treatment. Pay close attention to the patients’ scars in each photo, as they will give you an idea of what to expect after your own surgery. Keep in mind though, that everyone’s body is different. The healing process varies from patient to patient and is ultimately determined by many other factors in addition to your surgeon’s skill and expertise.

Take it easy after surgery.

Giving your body a chance to heal properly is a huge part of achieving better-looking scars. After any cosmetic surgery, the simplest advice to follow is to take it easy and refrain from any intense activity. For the best results, it‚Äôs crucial to take enough time off work to rest after your treatment. Many patients are eager to show off their new bodies and return to their everyday routines. However, if you aren‚Äôt careful after surgery, you can accidentally rip your stitches or damage your incision site. These complications may not only worsen the appearance of your scars but also result in other adverse effects. 

Use topical creams.

Some topical creams have been shown to reduce the appearance of post-surgical scars. Your surgeon will recommend the most suitable cream for you and explain how to use the product after your treatment. Medical-grade topical creams are typically more potent and effective, but even medical-grade creams take time to see results. Consistency is key to achieving a better-looking scar that fades over time.

Consider laser treatments.

Certain laser treatments can help reduce the appearance of scars after cosmetic surgery. However, they will not diminish them completely. Laser treatments are often used to prevent a raised scar from forming after surgery and can provide long-lasting results. However, most laser treatments include more than one session to achieve a visible effect. We offer free consultations at our medical spa to determine if you’re a good candidate for laser scar revision and which treatment is best for your specific needs.

Avoid sun exposure.

Avoiding sun exposure is an essential part of any healing process, especially for people who undergo facial plastic surgery. However, many people underestimate the effects of excessive sun exposure. In reality, harmful UV rays may result in many unwanted side effects for plastic surgery patients, including scar discoloration, sunburns, pigmentation, and other issues. In addition, your skin is more sensitive after a surgical procedure, and it’s generally recommended to stay away from harsh sunlight for at least a few months after treatment or until you’ve fully healed.

Know the truth about keloids.

A keloid is an extra-large scar tissue that forms due to trauma and grows much larger than the original cut. This trauma can be as minimal as a shaving cut, making it particularly difficult to prevent keloids. Although some patients have had flare-ups in the past and know to look out for keloids, others don‚Äôt develop their first keloid until they undergo surgery. 

Keloids can form anywhere on the body, and anyone can get them. However, Asian and dark-skinned people are statistically more prone to developing the condition. Keloids aren’t a threat to your health, but they can cause significant emotional distress. The best way to avoid keloids after surgery is to take ample time to recover and follow your surgeon’s post-op instructions.

If needed, consider scar revision. 

For patients who already have a scar that they‚Äôre unhappy with, we offer scar revision. Scar revision is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to improve the appearance of post-surgical and other types of scars. The type of scar you have will determine the technique used during the procedure. If you‚Äôre interested in scar revision, fill out the virtual consultation form on our website to see if you‚Äôre a good candidate. 

At The South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery, we offer a wide variety of procedures that result in minimal scarring. Our team of highly skilled plastic surgeons is committed to providing completely customized treatment plans and the highest level of care. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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