
The Difference Between a Traditional BBL and a Sculptra BBL

Brazilian Butt Lift

Surgical vs. Non-Surgical Brazilian Butt Lift

One of the most popular cosmetic procedures to create a curvy, “hourglass-shaped figure” is the Brazilian Butt Lift. Fuller buttocks and curvier frames are trending now more than ever, and they can often make the body appear more proportionate. At The South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery, we offer two highly effective procedures to enhance your derriere Рthe Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) and Sculptra® BBL.

What is Sculptra® BBL?

Although the traditional BBL is very popular, it’s not the best treatment for everyone. The procedure requires the patient to have enough excess fat to transfer into the buttocks. So, it’s often recommended for people with stubborn fat in areas like the stomach, who are also hoping to achieve a slimmer waist. For thinner patients without much body fat, a traditional BBL is not ideal. In such cases, the surgeon may recommend gaining 15-30lbs before surgery.

Sculptra® BBL delivers similar results, including increased volume in the buttocks and more defined curves, without requiring major surgery. Sculptra® BBL is a non-surgical, injectable treatment used to lift the buttocks and create a fuller physique.

What is the difference between a traditional BBL and Sculptra® BBL?

The traditional BBL recently gained popularity because it can deliver dramatic results and significantly enhance your natural figure. However, unlike Sculptra® BBL, a traditional BBL is a surgical procedure that involves liposuction and fat transfer. Excess fat is removed from common “problem areas,” (abdomen, flanks, back, arms, and/or thighs) then the fat is transferred to the buttocks. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and requires significant recovery time. However, results from the traditional BBL are enduring, often lasting several years, and in some cases, even decades.

In contrast, Sculptra® BBL is a minimally invasive, non-surgical procedure that adds volume to the buttocks by administering a series of injections. Sculptra® injections work by stimulating collagen production and can be used to help create a firmer, more voluptuous butt. Sculptra® BBL boasts minimal downtime and typically requires 3-4 treatments to see maximum results. Slimmer patients who are seeking a curvier physique are often the best candidates for treatment and can expect their results to last 2-5 years.
We offer the traditional BBL starting at $2,999, and the Sculptra® BBL starting at $2,249. Sculptra® BBL is normally recommended for patients seeking subtle results and a more affordable treatment option. However, our board-certified surgeons will suggest the best treatment for you during your initial visit.

Can I achieve the same results with Sculptra® BBL?

The traditional BBL typically delivers excellent results, and it can be combined with other procedures, such as a tummy tuck, to maximize the difference between your hips and waist. The procedures cannot be performed at the same time due to safety reasons. However, they can be scheduled a few weeks apart to allow the patient to recover and achieve the desired results safely. Combining procedures creates a more flattering overall shape is a very common way to enhance your curves and deliver more impressive results.

Sculptra® BBL does increase fullness and volume in the buttocks, but it provides more subtle results. You can expect more defined curves and a reduction in the appearance of “hip dips,” as well as a slight lift to the buttocks. The traditional BBL may be more appropriate if you’re hoping to achieve more dramatic, long-lasting results.

Which procedure is better?

Every patient is different, so your surgeon will work with you to determine which procedure will be best for your body. Your desired results and the amount of excess body fat you have are two of the biggest factors to consider when choosing between BBL procedures. Patients with low body fat or smaller frames are better suited for Sculptra® BBL and can expect little to no recovery time.

The traditional BBL is best for patients who want a dramatic change, rather than just an enhancement to their physique. Ideal candidates for treatment have excess body fat around the waistline, in areas like the stomach, love handles, and back, which can be transferred to the buttocks to create a smaller waist and hourglass shape.

Can I combine these two procedures?

Many of our patients choose to undergo treatment with Sculptra® after a traditional BBL to enhance their results and create a more “lifted” look. Your surgeon can walk you through the benefits of both procedures and help you decide whether combining Sculptra and BBL is the right choice for you.

Here at The South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery, we offer both the traditional BBL and Sculptra® BBL to deliver the best results for each of our patients. Our board-certified surgeons and physician assistants have decades of combined experience and a high level of expertise in both fat transfer and injectable treatments. Schedule an appointment today to meet with our team and find out if Sculptra® or a traditional BBL is the right treatment for you.

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